Friday, September 23, 2011


Tonight Eric Matthews spoke to the class.  There were several ideas he spoke of that I think are significant.  The first was his two steps to starting a business:

  1. Start
  2. Keep going
As simple as they are to remember, they are very difficult to do.  For me, it is not easy to start because I have so many ideas and I want to pick the best one.  Keeping going is also tough because I am easily distracted by some shiny new idea which makes the one I started look like a dead end. 

The other idea was that you should value people over ideas.  This kind of solves my above problem.  It doesn't matter what idea I choose as long as there are good people working on it.  As an introvert and control freak, this unnerves me some because I don't like to trust other people all the time. 

Expansion coming soon ...

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